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- åClient-Server Relations
- This section explains how a client conducts its relations with the help
- server, with the help of the HoWLib client interface library.
- xThe Client Engine
- The interface, described in the next subsection, consists of two utility
- functions, HoWFindHelpFile and HoWOpen, and three client engine
- functions, HoWRegister, HoWDisplay, and HoWDeregister. Your
- application will generally find its help file and register on entry, display
- in response to menu, mouse, and key events, and deregister on exit.
- Apart from that, the only requirement is to call AEProcessAppleEvent
- when you receive any high-level event that isn’t known not to be an Apple
- event, which is generally good practice.
- (Click this hot button to hear what famous Apple product doesn’t play by
- the rules.)
- If your program is not an application, it cannot use client engine functions.
- It can call HoWFindHelpFile to find its help file if it is separate, and it can
- call HoWOpen to tell the server to open the help file (starting the server if
- necessary). It cannot communicate with the server using tags, neither
- for display nor for Help events.
- When you register, you have the option of starting the server
- immediately, or deferring until the first display. Unless the server’s
- availability is critical to your application, you will usually choose the
- latter, less obnoxious, option.
- The client engine handles the rest of the relationship between client and
- server. Your application doesn’t have to care where the server is, or
- whether it’s running already, or what to do if the user exits the server
- while your application is running. The client engine, contained in a
- purgeable code segment named “HoWLib,” manages these details for you.
- If the server is started by some other method while your application is
- running, the engine senses this, and makes sure that the server adds your
- application to its Help menu. The engine also takes care of Help events by
- invoking your handler, if you have one.
- If you call HoWDisplay when the server is not started, and the server
- can’t be found on any mounted volume, the engine posts an alert, offering
- to save the help text as a TeachText document. If the user agrees, the
- engine creates the file and opens it automatically. If the file would be too
- large for TeachText to open, the engine breaks it into several files and
- puts them in a new folder.
- xCasual Displays
- HoWSample is a very simple client application which demonstrates good
- client practices. Whenever the user selects the main Help menu item or
- presses the Help key, it calls HoWDisplay with “tag” set to 0, or if a
- dialog is open, some tag value appropriate to the cursor location.
- Subsidiary items in the Help menu cause calls to HoWDisplay with other
- tag values, demonstrating how a client can index the help file.
- HoWSample also demonstrates how you can implement context-sensitive
- help using casual displays. The “casual” argument to the HoWDisplay
- function is always false when HoWSample calls it in reaction to a direct
- user action. HoWSample requests a casual display whenever the user
- selects a menu item or clicks on a dialog item. Setting “casual” to true
- makes the call more of a hint to the server, and less of an order. This
- mechanism allows the client to use the server’s optional “follow” mode,
- effectively taking control of the help display.
- Specifically, casual displays are different in the following ways: First,
- they do not start the server if it isn’t running. Second, they do not bring
- the server into the foreground. Third, they are ineffective if the server
- is not already displaying the client’s help file. Fourth, they are
- ineffective if the user has not selected the “follow” option in the
- server’s Preferences dialog.
- xHoWLib Client Interface Library Functions
- This subsection describes exactly what the HoWLib functions do, and how
- and when to call them, quoting from the C header file. You may want to
- follow along in the HoWSample source code as you read these function
- descriptions.
- /* The Help event handler receives an event ID which is the negative of
- the tag associated with the clicked text. */
- typedef pascal void (*HoWHandlerProcPtr) (short id);
- /* Find the help file referenced by the 'alis' resource with ID "aliasResID"
- in the resource file with reference number "preferencesFileRefNum", or
- in the resource file with reference number "applicationFileRefNum" if the
- resource does not exist in the preferences file or cannot be resolved. The
- alias record, possibly changed by UpdateAlias, is written back to the
- preferences file if possible. The application file is not changed.
- Resolution is relative to the application file, so it can take advantage of
- relative information in the alias resource if present. If the help file
- cannot be found by a fast search, one exhaustive search will be done on
- the alias record in the application file. A failed exhaustive search is noted
- in the preferences file so that it is not repeated; this note remains until
- the preferences file is deleted, or until a later fast search successfully
- finds the help file. If you do not maintain a separate preferences file, set
- both resource file reference numbers to the same value, and the
- application file will be treated as though it were also the preferences file.
- */
- pascal OSErr HoWFindHelpFile (short preferencesFileRefNum,
- short applicationFileRefNum,
- short aliasResID, FSSpecPtr helpFile);
- /* Register or re-register with the help server. The help file may be any
- file, including the main application file. If the help file has a 'vers'(1)
- resource, and the version (first word) does not match "version",
- wrongVersionErr is returned. If there is no master resource in the help
- file for the current script's current language, nor for "defaultLanguage",
- nor for langEnglish, noMasterResErr is returned. The server will prefer
- to use its own language over "defaultLanguage". By re-registering, the
- client can switch to another help file. If the server is not already
- started, and "startServer" is true, HoWRegister will try to start the
- server, which may result in many OS error codes, as well as
- noServerApplErr, a non-fatal code returned for your information (see
- HoWDisplay below). If the server is not already started, and
- "startServer" is false (which it should be for most clients), the usual
- return code is noErr, meaning that the actual registration has been
- deferred until the first non-casual display (see below) or until the server
- starts by some other method. Gestalt checks may result in other error
- codes listed above; the expected error code under System 6 is
- noAppleEventsErr. The Help event handler is optional; pass nil if the
- client does not support them. */
- pascal OSErr HoWRegister (const FSSpec *helpFile, short version,
- LangCode defaultLanguage, Boolean startServer,
- HoWHandlerProcPtr handler);
- /* Display the help file at the indicated tag position. If "tag" is zero, the
- last seen position is retained. If the server is not already started, and
- "casual" is false, this will attempt to start the server; if the server is
- absent, the user sees an alert offering to save a readable copy using
- TeachText and open it for viewing, unless the client is background-only,
- in which case no alerts appear, and the document is created on the
- desktop. A casual display is effective only if the server is started and
- running in the background, with the "follow" option in effect, and already
- displaying this client's help file. A casual display always leaves the client
- in the foreground; a non-casual display always brings the server to the
- foreground. Note that modal dialogs will prevent the server from coming
- to the foreground unless they are hidden before this call. */
- pascal OSErr HoWDisplay (short tag, Boolean casual);
- /* Deregister with the help server. If the client fails to deregister
- before it exits, the server will deregister it automatically. */
- pascal OSErr HoWDeregister (void);
- /* Launch the help server, if necessary, to open and display the given
- help file. This method is suggested for use by programs which are not
- applications; applications should use HoWRegister instead (see above). If
- the server is absent, a TeachText copy is created on the desktop and
- opened (as for a background-only application calling HoWDisplay). Version
- checking is not performed, and the current script's current language is
- always used. This may be called by 'INIT' logic in control panels or
- extensions, because it uses the Notification Manager; allow 5000 bytes
- when calculating the system heap requirement for your 'sysz' resource.
- */
- pascal OSErr HoWOpen (const FSSpec *helpFile);